Final Schedule
May 24: 10AM-2PM CST; virtual happy hour/break-out rooms 2:30-3:30PM CST
10:00-10:15 Introduction; Jessie Maisano (Chair, ToScANA) and Jay Warnett (ToScA UK)
10:15-11:25 SESSION 1, GEOLOGY; Romy Hanna moderating
10:15-10:40 Invited Talk: Astromaterials 3D: An Interactive Virtual Library of NASA’s Apollo Lunar & Antarctic Meteorite Samples; Erika Blumenfeld, Transdisciplinary Artist, Jacobs JETS contract at ARES, NASA
10:40-10:55 Exploring the Impact History of a Carbonaceous Asteroid with μCT; Xin Yang, The Field Museum
10:55-11:10 CT Visualization of Trial-Run Core Sample from the Mars 2020 Program; John Bescup, NASA
11:10-11:25 Dual Energy Computed Tomography (DECT) for Rock Classification; Alexander Hall, Thermo Fisher Scientific
11:25-11:40 LIGHTNING TALKS SESSION I; Romy Hanna moderating
11:40-11:55 BREAK
11:55-1:05 SESSION 2, BIOLOGY I; Jessie Maisano moderating
11:55-12:20 Invited Talk: Contrast Imaging and 3D Muscle Modeling in Vertebrate Cranial Biomechanics and Evolution; Casey Holliday, University of Missouri
12:20-12:35 A Deep-Learning Approach to Reduce Subjectivity in Segmentation of Natural History Museum Skeletal Specimens; Stephanie Smith, The Field Museum
12:35-12:50 MorphoSource 2.0: Access Point, Management Service, and Repository for 3D (and 2D) Image Data Representing Physical Objects of Inquiry and Inspiration; Doug Boyer, Duke University
12:50-1:05 Semantic Segmentation of Mouse Jaws using Convolutional Neural Networks; Victoria Cooley, Northwestern University
1:05-1:35 PLATINUM SPONSOR TALKS; Jessie Maisano moderating
• Tomography across Lengthscales – Linking Micron- and Nano-scale 3D Imaging across Instruments; Robin White, Zeiss
• Updates from the World of Dynamic Micro-CT; Luke Hunter, TESCAN USA
• HeliScan X-ray MicroCT for Submicron 3D/4D Imaging and Meso to Atomic Scale Correlative Tomography in Materials Science and Life Science; Mark Riccio and Dirk Laeveren, Thermo Fisher Scientific
• Improving Image Quality and Reducing Scan Times using Nikon’s High-Speed Rotating Targets; Andrew Ramsey, Nikon
2:00-2:30 BREAK
Designing a Successful CT Project; Jessie Maisano and Stuart Stock moderating
Tricky Segmentation Problems; Romy Hanna, Edward Stanley, Dave Edey, and Matthew Colbert moderating
May 25: 10AM-2:15PM CST
10:00-11:10 SESSION 3, IMAGING MODALITIES; Stuart Stock moderating
10:00-10:25 Invited Talk: Phase Tomography based on X-ray Wave Nature: Past and Future; Atsushi Momose, Tohoku University
10:25-10:40 Applications of Tomography with Broadband Synchrotron Radiation; Alan Kastengren, Argonne National Laboratory
10:40-10:55 Comparing X-ray and Neutron Computed Tomographic Scans to Examine a Phosphatic Fossil Skull in a Phosphatic Concretion; Ryan Allen, University of Colorado
10:55-11:10 3D Tomography of Shark Vertebrae via Energy Dispersive Diffraction; Stuart Stock, Northwestern University
11:10-11:20 BREAK
11:20-12:30 SESSION 4, BIOLOGY II; Edward Stanley moderating
11:20-11:45 Invited Talk: Using Computed Tomography Scanning to Understand Functional Morphology of the Trap-jaw Spider Predatory Strike; Hannah Wood, National Museum of Natural History
11:45-12:00 Domesticating Olfaction: Using CT and Imaging Technology to Show that Dog Breeds have Reduced Olfactory Skull Morphology Relative to Wolves and That There’s No Such Thing as a “Scent Hound”; Deborah Bird, University of California Los Angeles
12:00-12:15 Bridging the Plant Biology Imaging Gap: X-ray Microscopy Provides High Resolution Multiscale 3D Imaging; Keith Duncan, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
12:15-12:30 Micro-structure and Mechanics of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration using Synchrotron Tomography; Catherine Disney, University College London
12:30-12:40 BREAK
12:40-1:50 SESSION 5, MATERIALS SCIENCE; Jessie Maisano moderating
12:40-1:05 Invited Talk: Mission Impossible: Imaging Biofilms with X-rays; Dorthe Wildenschild, Oregon State University
1:05-1:20 Evaluation of Microstructure Properties of Polyurethane Foams; Thomas Fitzgibbons, Dow Chemical Company
1:20-1:35 In-situ X-ray Tomography of Titanium Deposition on Ni Wires via Pack Cementation; Arun Bhattacharjee, University of Cincinnati
1:35-1:50 Iterative Reconstruction on Compressive In-Situ Analysis of High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membranes; Yara Suleiman, University of Connecticut
1:50-2:15 Announcement of Lightning Talk, Image Competition, and Jim Elliott award winners/Closing Remarks
May 26: Workshops, 10AM-12:30PM and 1:30-4PM CST
10:00-10:15 Introduction; Jessie Maisano (Chair, ToScANA) and Jay Warnett (ToScA UK)
10:15-11:25 SESSION 1, GEOLOGY; Romy Hanna moderating
10:15-10:40 Invited Talk: Astromaterials 3D: An Interactive Virtual Library of NASA’s Apollo Lunar & Antarctic Meteorite Samples; Erika Blumenfeld, Transdisciplinary Artist, Jacobs JETS contract at ARES, NASA
10:40-10:55 Exploring the Impact History of a Carbonaceous Asteroid with μCT; Xin Yang, The Field Museum
10:55-11:10 CT Visualization of Trial-Run Core Sample from the Mars 2020 Program; John Bescup, NASA
11:10-11:25 Dual Energy Computed Tomography (DECT) for Rock Classification; Alexander Hall, Thermo Fisher Scientific
11:25-11:40 LIGHTNING TALKS SESSION I; Romy Hanna moderating
11:40-11:55 BREAK
11:55-1:05 SESSION 2, BIOLOGY I; Jessie Maisano moderating
11:55-12:20 Invited Talk: Contrast Imaging and 3D Muscle Modeling in Vertebrate Cranial Biomechanics and Evolution; Casey Holliday, University of Missouri
12:20-12:35 A Deep-Learning Approach to Reduce Subjectivity in Segmentation of Natural History Museum Skeletal Specimens; Stephanie Smith, The Field Museum
12:35-12:50 MorphoSource 2.0: Access Point, Management Service, and Repository for 3D (and 2D) Image Data Representing Physical Objects of Inquiry and Inspiration; Doug Boyer, Duke University
12:50-1:05 Semantic Segmentation of Mouse Jaws using Convolutional Neural Networks; Victoria Cooley, Northwestern University
1:05-1:35 PLATINUM SPONSOR TALKS; Jessie Maisano moderating
• Tomography across Lengthscales – Linking Micron- and Nano-scale 3D Imaging across Instruments; Robin White, Zeiss
• Updates from the World of Dynamic Micro-CT; Luke Hunter, TESCAN USA
• HeliScan X-ray MicroCT for Submicron 3D/4D Imaging and Meso to Atomic Scale Correlative Tomography in Materials Science and Life Science; Mark Riccio and Dirk Laeveren, Thermo Fisher Scientific
• Improving Image Quality and Reducing Scan Times using Nikon’s High-Speed Rotating Targets; Andrew Ramsey, Nikon
2:00-2:30 BREAK
Designing a Successful CT Project; Jessie Maisano and Stuart Stock moderating
Tricky Segmentation Problems; Romy Hanna, Edward Stanley, Dave Edey, and Matthew Colbert moderating
May 25: 10AM-2:15PM CST
10:00-11:10 SESSION 3, IMAGING MODALITIES; Stuart Stock moderating
10:00-10:25 Invited Talk: Phase Tomography based on X-ray Wave Nature: Past and Future; Atsushi Momose, Tohoku University
10:25-10:40 Applications of Tomography with Broadband Synchrotron Radiation; Alan Kastengren, Argonne National Laboratory
10:40-10:55 Comparing X-ray and Neutron Computed Tomographic Scans to Examine a Phosphatic Fossil Skull in a Phosphatic Concretion; Ryan Allen, University of Colorado
10:55-11:10 3D Tomography of Shark Vertebrae via Energy Dispersive Diffraction; Stuart Stock, Northwestern University
11:10-11:20 BREAK
11:20-12:30 SESSION 4, BIOLOGY II; Edward Stanley moderating
11:20-11:45 Invited Talk: Using Computed Tomography Scanning to Understand Functional Morphology of the Trap-jaw Spider Predatory Strike; Hannah Wood, National Museum of Natural History
11:45-12:00 Domesticating Olfaction: Using CT and Imaging Technology to Show that Dog Breeds have Reduced Olfactory Skull Morphology Relative to Wolves and That There’s No Such Thing as a “Scent Hound”; Deborah Bird, University of California Los Angeles
12:00-12:15 Bridging the Plant Biology Imaging Gap: X-ray Microscopy Provides High Resolution Multiscale 3D Imaging; Keith Duncan, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
12:15-12:30 Micro-structure and Mechanics of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration using Synchrotron Tomography; Catherine Disney, University College London
12:30-12:40 BREAK
12:40-1:50 SESSION 5, MATERIALS SCIENCE; Jessie Maisano moderating
12:40-1:05 Invited Talk: Mission Impossible: Imaging Biofilms with X-rays; Dorthe Wildenschild, Oregon State University
1:05-1:20 Evaluation of Microstructure Properties of Polyurethane Foams; Thomas Fitzgibbons, Dow Chemical Company
1:20-1:35 In-situ X-ray Tomography of Titanium Deposition on Ni Wires via Pack Cementation; Arun Bhattacharjee, University of Cincinnati
1:35-1:50 Iterative Reconstruction on Compressive In-Situ Analysis of High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membranes; Yara Suleiman, University of Connecticut
1:50-2:15 Announcement of Lightning Talk, Image Competition, and Jim Elliott award winners/Closing Remarks
May 26: Workshops, 10AM-12:30PM and 1:30-4PM CST