Abstract Submission

Here you can submit your abstracts for Oral or Poster presentation for ToScA UK & Europe 2024. Talks are 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions and discussion. Posters should be printed in A0 format, with delegates regularly encouraged to visit posters during the coffee breaks. Guidelines for abstracts are provided below.

There are prizes awarded for the best oral and posters, including runners up. See our previous winners here.

Looking for the image competition details? Click here.

We encourage submissions across the broad spectrum of applications and development in X-ray CT, with sessions this year in:

• Manufacturing and Industrial Applications
• Bioengineering/Medical Devices
• Life Sciences
• Forensics
• Materials
• Heritage and Historical Artefacts
• Method Development
• Quantification
Talks and poster presentations
Abstract submission now closed.
Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be submitted as a Word Document NOT a PDF
  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words
  • Please include a full title, all authors and affiliations
  • Include keywords
  • Images/diagrams are acceptable
  • Indicate if you are a student
  • Presenting authors are required to register, pay and attend the symposium
  • Please indicate from the list below which session you feel is most appropriate

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