Jim Elliott Award

Jim Elliott never set out to invent X-ray microtomography. He was a scientist with a question; he was interested in the chemistry of biological hard tissue and wanted to know how he could quantify and map mineral concentration. This led to him using contact microradiography, which progressed to scanning digital microradiography, and finally to X-ray microtomography. This was truly problem driven research, not a problem relating to grant income or publication rates but a scientific problem that needed a bit of ingenuity and brilliant engineering to solve it. The Jim Elliott Bursary will fund like-minded people: those with a burning scientific question whose answer lies in some aspect of X-ray microtomography.

What is funded
The Jim Elliott Bursary will provide up to £2,500 towards the cost of visiting a tomography facility for the purpose of scientific advancement. Costs may include travel, accommodation, sustenance as well as consumables, but not “beam-time” or staff time.
The applicant must make arrangements with the host organisation or National Research Facility to provide what facilities and assistance are required and is expected to work with them in a collaborative manner in their research.

In addition, registration and a travel bursary will be available to present the research at a ToScA symposium within two years of the award. It is expected that all recipients of the award will make such a presentation.

You must have current ToScA membership or be purchasing for this conference. We can verify if you need us to check.

Early career researchers will be favoured, but other applicants who might not have easy access to suitable funding will also be considered. Applications from researchers who are new to this field or crossing disciplines are also encouraged.

How to apply
Send an email to info@toscainternational.org with the subject heading “Jim Elliott Bursary Application” and having the following three attachments (PDF preferred, scanned where necessary):

1) Personal application document, no more than two pages containing the following:
• Name and home institution with full contact details
• Current post and time in post
• Title of proposal
• Name of host institution (X-ray microtomography facility)
• Personal statement about you and your research (no more than 200 words)
• Description of research question including background and how you intend to answer it
• Experimental plan, including what is being done at the home and host institutions (include numbers of samples and estimated scan times, consumables, etc.).

2) Letter of support from your home institution. This should be from your head of department or equivalent and should include an agreement to allow the necessary amount of your time and any required resources.

3) Letter of support from the host institution/National Research Facility containing a statement that they have read and discussed your proposal and have agreed to provide the requested time and resources.