About the event
Event Speakers
Confirmed Workshops
MORNING: Pretrained Models Accelerate Everyone's Deep Learning with Dragonfly
2 places left
MORNING: Introduction to Digital Morphology with SlicerMorph
1 places left
MORNING: Reactiv'IP : CT Data Analysis Hands-on using IPSDK Explorer (Machine Learning and automatic Python Script generation)
10 places left
MORNING: Masterclass: Avizo Software for CT data
5 places left
AFTERNOON: Quantitative Analysis with Dragonfly
0 places left
AFTERNOON: Morphometrics data collection and exploration with SlicerMorph
4 places left
AFTERNOON: Reactiv'IP : CT Data Analysis Hands-on using IPSDK Explorer (Machine Learning and automatic Python Script generation)
12 places left
AFTERNOON: Masterclass: Deep Learning with Avizo Software
2 places left